Pathways 1 and 3

Birthingway’s Lactation Consultation Program closed in 2019. Please reference this section of the website for historical purposes only.

Birthingway publishes current requirements for Pathway 1 and Pathway 3, including costs, annually in our Student Handbook and Catalog.

Pathway 1

Do you have previous experience as a health care professional working in maternal-child health or as a breastfeeding support counselor? If so, Pathway 1 may be right for you. Pathway 1 candidates must complete specific coursework and clinical experience.

Pathway 3

Are you interested in a mentored apprenticeship? If so, we recommend you learn more about Pathway 3. Pathway 3 candidates must complete an approved lactation education plan under the supervision of one or more International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs), all of whom have re-certified at least once to qualify for this pathway. The plan must be approved by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) before beginning the apprenticeship.