Student research papers may be viewed in the library and many may be viewed online. If you are a Birthingway student and you would like to access the papers in electronic format, contact library staff for the password.
Author Last Name, First |
Title of Paper | Subject | Term/Date |
Acosta, Sally | Bartholin’s gland cysts | Gynecology | Spring 2008 |
Adams, Katherine A. | Cervical manipulation and cervical lacerations: Is helping worth the potential harm? | Obstetrics | Winter 2014 |
Anderson, Marina L. | The psychological / spirtiual experience of first-time mothers | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Winter 2008 |
Arild, Heather | Midwives and essential oils | Essential Oils | Winter 2015 |
Bailey, Catherine W. | Dysphoric milk ejection reflex: exposing, identifying, and differentiating from postpartum depression | Breastfeeding: Professional | Winter 2013 |
Beach-Hart, Angela | Maya abdominal massage and the effects on birth outcomes | Massage | Winter 2013 |
Bendotoff, Nicole | Breech presentation and the development of the vestibular system | Obstetrics | Winter 2013 |
Bennett, Margaret | Getting settled: understanding why women chose to move houses during pregnancy | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Fall 2015 |
Blanchette, Yvette | Redefining GBS protocol in midwifery practice | Midwifery | Fall 2007 |
Boettcher White, Danielle | Digital stories and women’s infant feeding choices | Birth Stories | Fall 2014 |
Born, Emily | Perineal healing: do midwives use honey? | Alternative Healing | Fall 2018 |
Boyd, Melissa L. | First contact between mother and newborns | Bonding | Fall 2007 |
Breer, Cassandra M. | Effective counseling of nettle use during the childbearing year in midwifery practice | Plant Medicine | Fall 2012 |
Brown, Caley | The relationship between community health workers and home birth midwives | Midwifery | Spring 2019 |
Brown, Jocelyn | GBS and home birth midwives: Attitudes and informed choice | Midwifery | Spring 2011 |
Bubas Stevens, Katrina | Olive leaf extract: ancient wisdom for modern midwifery | Plant Medicine | Winter 2014 |
Buckley, Susan R. | Music therapy and lactation | Breastfeeding: Professional | Spring 2013 |
Campbell-Martin, Chelsea | Pregnancy and birth following abortion: impacts on women and support offered in the midwifery community | Pregnancy and Birth: General | Spring 2013 |
Casler, Allison | Causative effects of leep and cervical conization on cervical dialation | Gynecology | Fall 2008 |
Casley, Amanda | Untreated celiac disease and infertility | Fertility | Winter 2014 |
Clary, Elizabeth | “Because midwifery can consume you if you don’t”: the importance of maintaining relationships outside midwifery |
Midwifery | Spring 2014 |
Collins, Elizabeth Grace | Intuition in midwifery practice : a multifacted experience | Midwifery | Spring 2010 |
Comperchio, Dana L. | Midwives can raise awareness of the value of the placenta | Placenta | Winter 2015 |
Coppock, Megan | Approaches to assessment and management of second stage labor | Obstetrics | Fall 2014 |
Cranfill, Wendy | Does the management of the nuchal cord make a difference regarding the birth outcome? | Obstetrics | Circa. 2002 |
Crosby, Isabel | The myth of fundal measurement | Obstetrics | Fall 2013 |
Dean, Victoria | Midwives in the community setting: the best choice for teen parents | Midwifery | Summer 2017 |
Denneny, Jillian | Newborn pulse oximetry for congenital heart defect/CCHD screening: barriers to implementation for homebirth midwives in Oregon | Midwifery | Spring 2018 |
Dewar, Kathryn J. | Postpartum care and the persistent morbidities of childbirth | Postpartum | Spring 2016 |
Dobek, Cassidy | Cannabis: an alternative treatment option for hyperemesis gravidarum | Plant Medicine | Spring 2017 |
Dolin, Jessica | Fetal heart rate: an indication of gender? | Obstetrics | Spring 2005 |
Dunn, Ayla H. | Prebirth acupuncture and its use in preventing postdates pregnancy | Obstetrics | Fall 2009 |
Echeverio, Pamela | Urinary incontinence, pelvic floor health and midwifery care | Postpartum | Fall 2005 |
Ehrlich, Sarah E. | Symptomatic Group B Strep vaginitis: For the love of vulvas, we must do something! | Vagina | Spring 2016 |
Elkins, Jennifer J. | Placentophagia in contemporary women | Alternative Healing | Spring 2013 |
Elliott, Jess | Midwives awareness of the effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine of female infterility | Chinese Medicine | Winter 2011 |
Evans, Sharon A. | Midwifery burnout: extinguishing the flame | Midwifery | Fall 2014 |
Felling, Megan | “Just Gloves and Gauze”: midwifery tourism and the problem of exchange in Kafoutine, Senegal | Midwifery | Winter 2013 |
Flanagan, Alicia L. | Laborland: An educational game for teaching experiences of labor | Midwifery | Spring 2016 |
Forbes, Heather L. | Post-adoption doulas | Adoption | Spring 2010 |
Foster, Sahara | Midwifery and national health care reform | Midwifery | Winter 2011 |
Francis, Brooke | Exercise during pregnancy and birth outcomes | Pregnancy & Birth | Spring 2017 |
Garcia, Mychael M. | Is faster really better?: the effect of precipitous labor on maternal labor and birth experience | Labor | Spring 2013 |
Garner, Cristyl | Water birth, is it the idealized birth? | Waterbirth | Spring 2008 |
Gaylord, Carrie | Unassisted childbirth | Homebirth | Fall 2003 |
Gleeson-Scott, Molly | Spiritual Care in Midwifery: Do We Need a Protocol? | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Spring 2020 |
Gonshorowski, Melanya | Pelvic floor awareness and minimizing vaginal trauma during childbirth | Gynecology | Winter 2011 |
Gordon-Magnus, Melissa | Duration of lactational amenorrhea and its contributing factors | Breastfeeding | Spring 2003 |
Grider, Brandee | Midwifery and massage | Massage | Spring 2009 |
Hack, Heather | Antepartum bleeding | Obstetrics | Fall 2005 |
Hamilton, Jillian | Midwifery in Kentucky: Are Biases Creating Barriers to Care? | Midwifery | Spring 2021 |
Hawkins, Nora | Maternal knowledge of the connection between prenatal nutrition and large for gestational age babies | Nutrition: Perinatal | Fall 2015 |
Head, Carli Tamar | An ancient art for modern times: rebozo use in United States midwifery | Midwifery | Spring 2008 |
Hodge, Cassandra | The role of licensed direct entry midwives in therapeutic abortion: past and present | Midwifery | Winter 2013 |
Holloway, Kate | Herbal birth control | Plant Medicine | Spring 2002 |
Holmes, Cortney | The key to increased rates of VBAC | C-Sec/VBAC | Spring 2013 |
Howe, Kate | Women of size during the childbearing year: How can midwives best serve them? | Midwifery | Spring 2005 |
Jacobs, Shira | Is blue cohosh truly a safe and effective remedy? | Plant Medicine | Spring 2004 |
Jansen, Maura M. | Consequences of cesarean section birth on out-of-hospital mothers | C-Sec/VBAC | Spring 2012 |
Jech, Joy | The impact of vaginal exams on the length of labor | Obstetrics | Spring 2007 |
Johnson, Jessica | Intergenerational Breastfeeding: Passing on Experiences of Emotional Success | Breastfeeding | Spring 2021 |
Kenealey, Shauna | Womb ecology: the importance of purifying the modern uterine environment | Pregnancy: Fetal Environment | Fall 2007 |
Kersey, Celeste | The effects of sexual abuse on primaparas in the homebirth setting | Psych:Pregnancy & Birth | Winter 2001 |
Kincade, Kimberly L. | Umbilical cord care | Obstetrics | Spring 2007 |
Kirschner, Tzipora P. | The lunar fertility cycle: a useful tool for midwives | Fertility | Winter 2012 |
Kitt, Danielle | Cryptic pregnancy: a new appraisal of the phenomenon of “pregnancy denial” | Obstetrics | Spring 2011 |
Koelwyn, Katrina | The kegel: is it sufficient to cure stress urinary incontinence? | Gynecology | Spring 2019 |
Koenig, Suzanne E. | Spiritual support: an essential scope of holistic midwifery | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Spring 2014 |
Kolberg, Tara R. | Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie): growing popular diagnosis or growing prevalence? | Breastfeeding: Professional | Winter 2014 |
Lang, Desiree A. | Twisted sister: using nipple stimulation to empower the laboring woman | Obstetrics | Winter 2015 |
Laskin, Beth A. | Evaluating midwives opinions on the safety and efficacy of a vegan diet during pregnancy | Nutrition: Perinatal | Winter 2012 |
Le, Kim | Postdates pregnancy: unnecessary stress and intervention | Obstetrics | Winter 2014 |
Lefcovitch, Jaime | Ayurveda and the perinatal year | Alternative Healing | Winter 2019 |
Lescantz, Colette | How can homebirth midwives best resuscitate compromised newborns? | Skills | Fall 2003 |
Lilly, Allegra D.A. | Supporting women with infant feeding options through anticipatory guidance in the preinatal period | Breastfeeding | Spring 2016 |
Loehrke, Bethany | Building Resilience as a Form of Self-Care: A way to prevent burnout in Midwifery | Midwifery | Spring 2019 |
Loperena, Rosemary | Hysterecomy: a public health concern in the U.S. and U.S. Territory | Gynecology | Spring 2018 |
Lygren, Angela D. | Placentophagia on postpartum recovery | Placentophagia | Spring 2016 |
Lynch, Jacqueline A. | International service learning in midwifery education | Midwifery | Fall 2013 |
Lynch, Serena | The importance of self-care for midwives | Midwifery | Fall 2014 |
Marsico, Kyra | Indigenous Medicinal Plants Used in Midwifery Care | Plant Medicine | Spring 2019 |
McGraw, Rachael | Due date calculation: a comparison of three methods | Obstetrics | Fall 2003 |
McIntosh, Kelli | Grief in the perinatal period | Psych: Loss & Grief | Winter 2004 |
MacIntyre, Jordanna E. | The necessity for vitamin D education for midwives | Midwifery | Spring 2016 |
Mairs, Jessica | Perineal tearing: risk factors, protective factors, and measures taken to maintain perineal integrity | Obstetrics | Winter 2006 |
Marotta-Jaenecke, Jasmine A. | Mystical realities: the creation of a modern fertility site | Alternative Healing | Spring 2012 |
Merritt, Alyssa | Midwife life / mom life: what is it really like? The experience of midwifery students who have children and how it impacts their success | Midwifery | Fall 2018 |
Miller, Lorell S. | Trend in pregnancy length for individual women over three or more pregnancies | Obstetrics | Spring 2009 |
Mitchell, Sonya | Group B Streptococcus | Peds: Sick/Premature | Spring 2003 |
Montero, Araya | Increasing Client Adherence to Midwifery Recommendations of Herbal Remedies | Midwifery | Spring 2018 |
Moon, Jules | Mothers’ milk: two-parent co-nursing in queer families | Breastfeeding: Professional | Winter 2012 |
Moray, Susan | The breech presenting fetus: medical and midwifery approaches | Obstetrics | Fall 1995 |
Muth, Kori L. | There are differences in management of threatened preterm labor between types of healthcare practitioners | Obstetrics | Fall 2005 |
Nelson, Kate | Misoprostal at home: do midwives really use it? | Pharmacology | Circa. 2001 |
Nerenberg, Mirra Leah | Perineal trauma and blood loss outcomes on birth stools | Obstetrics | Spring 2009 |
Oller, Jamie | Queer competency in reproductive healthcare | Gynecology | Spring 2017 |
Olson, Kristine | Effects of the midwifery model of care on maternal mental health during the postpartum period | Postpartum | Spring 2003 |
Orr, Silvie A. | Correlation of fear and labor length in pariparous women | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Spring 2015 |
Parker, Capri | Comprehensive Sexual Education Among Adolescents | Sexuality | Winter 2020 |
Parks, Kristina A. | Dreamwork in the Perinatal Cycle: Providing Whole Person Holistic Care | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Spring 2018 |
Perron-Mednick, Laurie | Appreciating the tree of life: mothers’ attitudes about their placentas | Placenta | Fall 2007 |
Pfeil, Aerlyn S. | The loss of traditional practices in M’Boro Senegal | Medical Anthropology: General | Winter 2008 |
Probst, Nicole J. | Precipitous birth | Obstetrics | Spring 2015 |
Rood, M. E. Sage | Working with self-identified sexual assault survivors in pregnancy | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Winter 2016 |
Sanders, Jennifer | Newborn vitamin K prophylaxis and incidence of jaundice | Pediatrics: Neonatology | Fall 2010 |
Sanderson, Katherine B. | Investigating the Donovan Theory | Pediatrics: Neonatology | Winter 2011 |
Sapoznikow, Iara | Informed choice and the experience of direct-entry midwifery students in gynecological skills classes with peer physical examination | Midwifery | Fall 2012 |
Schroeder, Elizabeth | Birth stories, perception of risk, and effects on choices in childhood | Birth Stories | Spring 2012 |
Schulten, Micaela A. | Consciousness transformation through biodynamic birth | Psychology: Pregnancy and Birth | Spring 2011 |
Selmanson, Calina B. | Menstrual synchrony among midwifery cohorts | Women’s Health | Winter 2014 |
Sherman, Stephanie | Premature pushing urges and cervical injury: can women trust their bodies? | Obstetrics | Winter 2009 |
Slade, L. Rachel | Assessment of the high tone pelvic floor in midwifery care and complications in childbirth | Obstetrics | Spring 2016 |
Slaughterbeck, Dana | Midwives Supporting Nursing Parents: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery | Breastfeeding | Spring 2020 |
Smith, Betsy | Prenatal yoga and fetal positioning | Obstetrics | Fall 2006 |
Smith, Emilia M. | Embodied knowledge: body image and the choice to breastfeed | Breastfeeding | Winter 2012 |
Stevenson, Emily S. | Informed consent for risk factors of spontaneous preterm labor | Obstetrics | Winter 2016 |
Stolman, Whitney L. | Waterbirth and perineal tears: how long is long enough? | Waterbirth | Winter 2013 |
Stum, Lauren | Antepartum care for twin pregnancies and Oregon licensed direct entry midwives | Multiples | Fall 2013 |
Tilley, Lynette | The current VBAC-backlash and the role of midwives | CSec/VBAC | Spring 2006 |
Toland, Briana | Optimal birth environment and timely placental delivery | Obstetrics | Spring 2007 |
Truby, Angela | Fetal/newborn consciousness and the mystery of ensoulment: how beliefs impact homebirth midwives’ care of babies during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum | Psych: Pregnancy and Birth | Spring 2008 |
Walker, Brittany | Labor Induction: Sweeping Membranes in a Community Birth Setting | Midwifery | Fall 2019 |
Warnock, Jennifer M. | Correct assessment of pelvic floor tone: a necessary component of individualized care | Midwifery | Winter 2008 |
Watson, Ondra R. | How an understanding of the unassisted childbirth movement can help enhance the practice of holistic midwifery care | Midwifery | Winter 2007 |
Wickizer, Nancy | Afterpains | Postpartum | Winter 2006 |
Wilkins, Erin | Direct-entry midwifery, out-of-hosptial birth and the reproductive rights agenda | Midwifery | Fall 2007 |
Wiseman, Melissa | Supporting healthy stress management in student midwives | Midwifery | Spring 2015 |
Wolfe, Whitney | Exploring the 4 C’s of induced lactation resources | Breastfeeding | Spring 2019 |
Wong, Debbie | Effect of macrosomia on incidences of perineal and newborn trauma | Obstetrics | Fall 2008 |
Wood, Monica | The moon’s effects on labor | Obstetrics | Fall 2008 |
Wright, Susannah | Hands on management of second stage | Obstetrics | Spring 2013 |
Yocom, Erin | Pitocin inhibits bonding | Bonding | Winter 2015 |
Za, Divya L. | The safety of prenatal vitamins | Nutrition: Pregnancy | Winter 2014 |
Zapp-Garcia, Jacqueline | Initial micturition in the immediate postpartum period | Postpartum | Winter 2004 |
Zarosinski, Charli | Mental health care for midwives: support from within their own midwifery community | Midwifery | Winter 2016 |