Celeste Kersey

Celeste Kersey, BA, CPM, LDM is passionate about living consciously, and is a perpetual student of NVC and Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB), Midwifery and Motherhood. Celeste teaches Birthingway’s Communication series, is a clinical training preceptor for midwifery students, and facilitates Non-Violent Communication (NVC) workshops. She was transformed by her own births in 1991, 1994, 1995, and 2000. She began her path to midwifery in October, 1993 in Detroit, MI, and then found her way to Oregon in 1994 after marrying an organic farmer (Jim) from Canby, OR. Celeste attended Birthingway College of Midwifery and apprenticed with a patient and generous midwife near Salem, OR in between birthing a her own babies. She has her own business, Full Moon Midwifery, in Canby. Her life is enriched by close friendships, personal growth, family, humor, and tropical vacations.
