Category Archives: Oregon Midwife

Andaluz Waterbirth Center

Andaluz Waterbirth CenterPatricia Couch
Tracy Lawson
Carrie Duncan
Marilyn Milestone

Portland Center
3323 SW Naito Pkwy
Portland, OR 97239

Tualatin Center
19255 SW 65th Ave. ste. 220
Tualatin, OR 97062
Phone: 503-885-0228

We are a group practice, serving low risk women in pregnancy and birth. We provide prenatal care, assist with labor and birth, and provide care for mom and bay up through eight weeks postpartum. We attend women in labor out our birth centers as well as at homebirth. Students are a vital part of our practice, we enjoy the teaching model, and proudly graduate midwives from clinical training regularly. We require student midwives to commit to staying on with us until they have attendad at least 100 births in the apprentice role.